Ryoji Hirose Exhibition “Lame but neat”

May 17 Friday, 2024 – june 1 Saturday, 2024



Title: Ryoji Hirose “Lame but neat”
Period: May 17 Friday, 2024 – June 1 Saturday, 2024
*Closed: Sundays, Mondays, Holidays
Opening Reception: May 17 Friday, 2024 18:00 – 20:00
Opening hours: 13:00 – 19:00
Venue: LAG(LIVE ART GALLERY)/ 2-4-11 1F Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0001

Ryoji Hirose’s solo exhibition Lame but neat will be held at LAG (LIVE ART GALLERY) from Friday, May 17 to Saturday, June 1, 2024. Hirose, who ran the non-genre old goods store Out Of Style in Gaienmae, Shibuya for about 20 years since 1990, started his career as a plastic artist creating objects made from old tools as materials around 2008.

Combining materials such as iron, wood, old paper, lights, and other materials, Hirose’s creations emphasize each substance, and have a unique sense of humor and tension, and follow the consistent production style of “avoiding retention patterns of the form of artwork” while giving off an original presence that is hard to describe.

In this exhibition, Hirose will publicize new three-dimensional works and drawings, as well as sell a photo book Out Of Style, by Sumire Hashimoto, a photographer, and graphic designer, who took pictures of inside the store when it was business time and Hirose’s works displayed in there.


Artist Statement
I used to run a select store of used goods called Out Of Style in Gaienmae, Shibuya. When I was thinking of the name for the store, I was attracted by the sound of the word I found in an English dictionary, “out of style” It is probably not a suitable name for the store because it means “not trend” “obsolete” “tacky”. However, I wanted to create a store that would defy the meaning of the word, so I did not hesitate to name it.
While running such a store, I disassembled the items for sale and started making lights and objects using the old materials that were created, and before long, the name lost its meaning and became standing out the slightly edgy works of art, only the sound of the word “out of style”, and kept feeling under the spell from its name of the store for a while. During that period, many doubts and thoughts were in my mind, and I questioned pursuing cool styles, I created works that were far removed from my original attitude and even gave lame exhibition titles on purpose. Then, finally, I thought I had freed myself from the curse of the name, but now that I am exhibiting at this gallery in Gaienmae, which is very close to where the store existed in the past, I feel as if I am being pulled back into my roots. Although I am not captured by the name of the store currently, I am seeking the form within myself, and if the original meaning of Out Of Style can be revealed from these works, I would welcome that as well.

Ryoji Hirose



Ryoji Hirose

While running Out Of Style, a select store of antique interiors in Gaienmae, Shibuya, Tokyo, he started making lights and objects using antique iron and wood as materials in his mid 50s. Since then, he has been creating both three-dimensional and two-dimensional works also.
“ Lines Falling into the Sky” ( galley yolcha / Osaka ) “ Hoi-Hoi no Soo-Issui” ” Thought About White : Rice in Bento = A Space or Not? “ ( Kinkan Gallery / Tokyo ) “ Evaporating Horizons, Loss of Scenery, Stenographer ” ( Ruroudo / Tokyo ) “ The Speed of Lines” ( SEIN / Tokyo ) “ Woman’s Crank Kick” ( KIKA / Kyoto) ” As Crevice Has Grown ” ( ARSKUMONOI / Tokyo ) “ Shinayakanikataku, Honokada” ( KiKi kitasenju / Tokyo ) etc.


We will publish a collection of works.
Out Of Style by Sumire Hashimoto
The collection contains 75 pictures documenting Out Of Style, an antique store that existed in Gaienmae, Shibuya, Tokyo for approximately 20 years from the early 1990s.

Out Of Style Photo Book

Price:2,750 JPY ( included tax )
Issuer : Sumire Hashimoto

Printed : Live Art Books, Inc.
Cooperation:Out Of Style
Size:H120mm ×W170mm
Number of pages:96 pages


※Out Of Style Photo Book – Limited to 30 copies in commemoration of publication, with hand-drawn pictures & autograph –
Price:4,500 JPY( include tax )