Iikawa Takehiro Exhibition “Decorator Crab – Expanded Work”

August 9 Friday, 2024 – August 31 Saturday, 2024



Title : Iikawa Takehiro “Expanded Work”
Period : August 9 Friday, 2024 – August 31 Saturday, 2024
*Closed : Sundays, Mondays, Holidays
Closed for summer recess:August 13 Tuesday – August 15 Thursday
Opening Reception :August 9 Friday, 18:00 – 20:00
Opening hours:13:00 – 19:00
Venue:LAG(LIVE ART GALLERY)/ 2-4-11 1F Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0001

Exhibition Cooperation:Sendai Mediatheque/AKAAKAsha/Tokyo Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery/Tottori Prefectural Museum/Takamatsu Art Museum/CAPSULE

LAG (LIVE ART GALLERY) is pleased to announce the exhibition “Decorator Crab – Expanded Work” from Friday, August 9, 2024, to Saturday, August 31, 2024, to celebrate the publication of Iikawa Takehiro’s first book, Decorator Crab, which is printed by Live Art Books, and published by AKAAKAsha and Sendai Mediatheque.
This book, Decorator Crab, introduces the series of Decorator Crab, a project Iikawa began in 2007, as well as the history of a plan installing of his 26 meters work Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat in Nishi Park, Aoba Ward, Sendai City, which was conceived with Sendai Mediatheque however regrettably unrealized. This exhibition introduces a wide range of his activities, including the body parts of Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat, previously exhibited in Namiki, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama City, plan drawings of successive generations, documentary videos depicting the project process, and unpublished series that did not make it into the book of works. Please come and join us for the exhibition.

“If I want to accomplish something with my artwork, I and the planners need to properly communicate to the locals what we are trying to do. For some reason, this obvious thing is sometimes not done. To do this, artists need to devise a plan quickly and negotiate for it. In the first place, I think that doing something in a public space is long-term work. I used to think about the plan until the last minute, and I have just realized it was too late when that happened, so I have come to figure out that the cause is usually me.”

Artist Quote from the book Decorator Crab


Date: August 17 Saturday 15:00 – 17:00(Start accepting 14:30)
Presenters: Iikawa Takehiro(Artist)
Kimura Eriko(Director at Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art)
Kai Kenji(Artistic Director at Sendai Mediatheque)

*Limited number of participants (Reservation required)
Entrance fee:1,000JPY The maximum allowed : 40

For those who purchased the book Decorator Crab by Iikawa Takehiro at the venue, Or if you bring your own, admission is free. Reservation from here:


Decorator Crab : Iikawa Takehiro

Price:5,500JPY (Including tax)
Design:Takami Kiyoshi(view from above)
Edit:Sendai Mediatheque, Uchida Shinichi
Book size:H303mm ×W225mm|218pages|
Case bind |Japanese and English

Special Merchandise



During the exhibition, special original items(Such as T-shirts and tote bags) made for the exhibition are available.


Collaboration project

“Decorator Crab-Make Space, Use Space”

In this artwork, visitors are asked to carry out bags put in the exhibition with their own hands and carry them to whichever other exhibitions of Iikawa are being held at the same time.
*If you would like to participate, please let the venue staff know.

Tokyo Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery “Imagine the unseen everyday”
June 15 Saturday – September 1 Sunday, 2024
Closed:Mondays (Open on July 15 and August 12) July 16, August 13,


Tottori Prefectural Museum “What’s ART?”
June 29 Saturday – August 25 Sunday, 2024
Closed:July 29 Monday


Takamatsu Art Museum Branch Gallery “Decorator Crab-shop”
June 18 Tuesday – July 21 Sunday,2024
*The exhibition period has ended, but you can borrow and return the works until Sunday, August 25, and return them until Sun-day, September 22.
Closed:Mondays (Except when Monday falls on a holiday, in which case the museum is open and closed the following day)


CAPSULE“Decorator Crab-New Display”
June 1 Saturday – July 7 Sunday, 2024
**With the end of the exhibition period, we no longer accept borrows and returns.


Artist Profile


Takehiro Iikawa

Born in 1981 in Hyogo Prefecture. Based in Kobe. He graduated from the Seian University of Art Design, Department of Media Design, Video and Film Course. In 2007, he began creating his keywork, the “Decorator Crab” series. He creates works that develop while triggering the viewer’s minds, such as “Expecting Spectators,” in which objects and spaces transformed by the viewer’s active involvement in his artworks are connections to events co-occurring in other places, and “Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat” a gigantic work that cannot be viewed its whole picture.